"My only regret about having a foot fetish is that I repressed it for so long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared would not understand or approve of me, when I could have been out there enjoying the gift of my own personal sexuality. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life is too damn short."
I am at peace with my sexuality. I believe that in many lifetimes I have experienced every sexuality. I have been male and female, heterosexual and homosexual. Sometimes society has approved of my sexuality and sometimes it has not. My sexuality has always been a learning experience for me as it is in this lifetime. Yes, I know that my soul has no sexuality. I rejoice in my sexuality and in my own body. My body is perfect for me this lifetime. I embrace myself with love and compassion.
-Louise Hay
Champion the right to be yourself. Dare to be different. Live your own life and follow your own star.
-Wilfred A. Peterson
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
-Henry David Thoreau
I'm all for open communication, but some subjects really should be personal. My grandmother had no idea which of the husbands in her social circle were good in bet and which ones weren't. I'm not even sure their own wives knew. Now everybody knows everything. Sometimes a little privacy is a good thing.
I rejoice in my sexuality and in my own body. My body is perfect for me in this lifetime. I embrace myself, with love and compassion.
-L. Hay
We're not here to fight against ourselves - we're here to celebrate all that we were created to be. Sexuality and the desires of the body are natural impulses built into the fabric of life by an intelligent Creator. To deny them is to refute life; to allow them to express in a healthy and natural way is to fulfill God's intentions.
We've been taught that our passions are evil, but they're really an avenue for diving expression. The more you try to resist or override physical pleasures, the more power they'll end up having over you, to the point that they'll finally become your ruler. When, on the other hand, you respect your body as a wondrous creation, you can then honor and embrace the totality of your being and elevate your sexual and sensual nature as a sacred element of life. Everything you are is beautiful and good.
We have lived with them all our lives and never really knew it; we have conformed to their superficial definitions without knowing why and we have fought their imprisoning personas even while attempting to create one for ourselves. We know these simple, life-altering elements by a single word that packs more of a punch than its two-syllables will permit: label.
Labels are everywhere. To accept a social label is to accept the surrender of one's own identity by amputating that which sets us apart from the masses: our personality, our desires, our fears, our quirks, our imperfections, and, yes, even our fetishes. Sometimes our individuality can make all the difference between getting lost in a crowd and standing out in one; forgetting one's self and finding one's self. One should never sacrifice individuality to acquiesce the gluttony of conformity and indifference.
Fetishes are but a fraction of one's complex being. To be aroused by the feet, socks or shoes of another individual is no different than the dark seduction of bondage or the light and exotic frills of a French maid uniform. Each fetish serves a unique purpose; each purpose is fueled by a unique fantasy and a fantasy is the offspring of desire. Denying one's self the greatest of imaginative nourishment will only lead to spiritual anorexia. This is why I believe in embracing what sets us apart rather than repelling it with every fiber of our being. Henry Frederic Amiel could not have been more right when he said, "To repel one's cross is to make it heavier." Don't hide from your fetishes or from your individuality because the only way to truly accept your world is to make peace with it.
-A Foot Fraternity Member
I lovingly and joyously accept my sexuality and its expression.
I am at peace with my sexuality. I embrace myself with love and compassion.
What you think about me is none of my business.
I love myself exactly as I am.
Be the person you were born to be.
No negative condition can remain in our lives when we truly love and accept ourselves.
Sometimes society has approved of my sexuality and sometimes not.
I am at peace with my sexuality.
My soul has no sexuality.
My sexuality has always been a learning experience for me.
I rejoice in my own sexuality. I embrace myself with love & compassion.
I lovingly and joyously accept my sexuality and its expression. My body’s desires are natural and normal for me. I feel safe being me.